quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2011

Thank you (Letra de Márcio Ferraz)

Thank you
(Letra de Márcio Ferraz)

The broken hearts
It can be mend
Time is the answer
There´s no other true
You can live beyond this

Red is the passion
Burning inside of me
I must show everything
Once more
The weakness and the strength

Light and more lights
Speak louder more and more
Give us the spirit has inside
Because the in future you can´t do this

I don´t wanna lose your faith
You are my faith
Times is coming
No more space for regrets
Just freedom of heart

Numbers cant calculate
And the essence
Of us

Thank you very much
Are words so precious
When they come from the true
A simple act
So gentle

The World show more faces
I see now.
